Consuming Crabbe off Cromer Pier - *CONSUMING CRABBE OFF CROMER PIER* Wendy Webb* Blue was broad sky and green-good the grass and black was the earth when I died. You will not find my sigh-... transition circle east ...
No one is denying the earth is becoming hotter, it's obvious from all the figures, but if you look at the bgreen/b house gas emissions Co2 makes up between 4-8%, depending on which research you read, and of that 4-8% we humans make up arguably 5-10%. b....../b At 8:44pm on 17 Dec 2009, bhempnall/b truth seeker wrote: After last night's Ethical Man effort, I have made a formal complaint to the BBC on the lines of the following. I thought the whole thing was nothing short of a scam. ...
David Hook with two lonely street lights in the Norfolk village of bHempnall/b. ... I am sick and tired of this government lecturing me on carbon reduction when they haven't got their house in order and I'm tired of large corporates putting prices up and blaming bgreen/b taxes when they do nothing about getting their own house sorted. I don't want the lights on, I don't want to see the waste, and I certainly don't want to foot the bill. For those opposed to it, do as we used to ...